Wednesday, October 8, 2014

An Even Bigger Problem With The Lifted Truck Market!

There's clearly an awareness problem with the lifted truck market, and especially with the New Lifted Truck market.  What's tied in with that, and is probably the most challenging thing to change or improve is the consumers perception of lifted trucks.  Ask anyone outside the auto market what comes to mind when you say lifted trucks, and they will probably answer "Big Foot" or something along the lines of a big monster truck.  I've already tested this out on many people, and that's the overall consensus.  In order for the lifted truck market, in particular the New Lifted Truck market to grow, we not only have to increase consumer awareness, but change the consumer's perception of these vehicles.

         If you're a dealer that stocks lifted trucks, I'm going to show you proof of the current lifted truck situation.  As with our previous blog post focused on the New Lifted Truck market, this is encompassing of both.  After all the lifted truck market itself is larger than either new or used lifted trucks.  These are the search queries for the previous three months, July, August, and September from our Search Query report in Google Webmaster for our site.  Our average position for these terms was less than 10, and thus we were on the first page of the Google results for these terms.

July Queries

August Queries

September Queries

        Overall, consumers aren't searching for lifted trucks, and if you're a dealer stocking them, that's the reality.  Now, you could do what some dealers do, and spend thousands doing a marketing campaign for the lifted trucks.  That would be a waste of resources on the dealerships part, because you're putting your money into something that consumers aren't even aware of.  You could do nothing, or you could come on board with a company that has a solid understanding of the problem in the market place, and has a plan to solve it!  Conversions For Sale has just as much vested interest in your dealership sending lifted trucks "over the curb", as you do.  We know that you could stop stocking these vehicles tomorrow, and your dealership would still be successful.  The problem is then we don't have a service to offer you.
        Our unique position with being neither a dealer, upfitter, or in a sales position to the consumer is the leverage position that we have.  We have put ourselves as the nucleus when it comes to the lifted truck market, and consumers have responded with the exposure of these products on larger platforms.  Again, due to the awareness problem, we have to tap into larger online platforms where there's a large audience.  You use these same platforms, however it goes back to our neutral positioning with consumers.  Your dealership can tap into what we are doing, and get exposure to your inventory!  Here's our numbers from some of these platforms:


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